Source code for parallelformers.policies.base.policy

# Copyright 2021 TUNiB inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type

from torch import nn

[docs]@dataclass class Layer: r""" Dataclass used to describe a layer in the policy object Attributes: weight and bias (str): the names of the weight and bias tensors, respectively. You can use the syntax such as `[ ]` or `.` to the tensor names. `.` is used as accessors in common programming languages and `[ ]` is used to access elements in nn.ModuleList. n_fused (int): the number of areas used in fused layers. For example, GPT2 and TransfoXL have fused attention layers that consist of query, key and value. These layers should not be simply chunked by the number of GPUs. Instead, they should be divided into the query, key and value areas first. replace (Any): the layer that you want to replace an existing layer with. The parallelization process by the tensor slicing method involves All-Reduce operations to collect tensors from all GPUs. So, we need to insert some layer like AllReduceLinear to replace the existing nn.Linear layer. reversed (bool): this attribute is used to indicate whether tensors are reversed or not. Some models such as GPT1 and GPT2 use the transformers.modeling_utils.Conv1D layer instead of the nn.Linear layer. These layers store weight and bias tensors reversed. ignore_checker (bool): this attribute is used when you want to ignore errors in case the layers do not exist. Some models like Bert, Roberta and Electra have only encoder layers. but for Huggingface, these models are also designed to be able to used as decoders. In these models, some layers may or may not be created depending on the configuraions. In this case, you can use ignore_checker option to ignore errors even if the layers do not always exist. """ weight: str = None bias: str = None n_fused: int = None replace: Any = None reversed: Any = None ignore_checker: bool = False
[docs]class Policy(ABC): """Policy object to apply parallelism per model""" def __init__(self, layer: nn.Module) -> None: """ Constructor of Policy class Args: layer (nn.Module): The layer to apply the policy to """ super().__init__() self.layer = layer
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_arguments(config, world_size: int) -> Dict: """ Policy for argument replacement. Args: config (Config): Huggingface config object world_size (int): total number of gpu for parallelization Returns: Dict: Dictionary for argument replacement. Notes: The format of the dictionary object is as follows. dict: "param_name_1": reset_value_1, "param_name_2": reset_value_2, "param_name_3": reset_value_3, ... "param_name_n": reset_value_n """ return {}
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_modules() -> Dict: """ Policy for class (module) replacement. Returns: Dict: Dictionary for class (module) replacement. Notes: The format of the dictionary object is as follows. dict: orig_class_name_1: reset_module_class_1, orig_class_name_2: reset_module_class_2, orig_class_name_3: reset_module_class_3, ... orig_class_name_4: reset_module_class_n """ return {}
[docs] @staticmethod def attn_qkv() -> List: """ Attention query, key, value projection layer Returns: List[Layer]: List of layer object """ return []
[docs] @staticmethod def attn_out() -> List: """ Attention output projection layer Returns: List[Layer]: List of layer object """ return []
[docs] @staticmethod def mlp_in() -> List: """ h -> 4h mlp layer Returns: List[Layer]: List of layer object """ return []
[docs] @staticmethod def mlp_out() -> List: """ 4h -> h mlp layer Returns: List[Layer]: List of layer object """ return []
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def original_layer_class() -> Type[nn.Module]: """ Class to apply the policy to e.g. BertLayer, GPT2Block, BartEncoderLayer, ... Returns: Type[nn.Module]: original layer class """ raise NotImplementedError