Source code for parallelformers.parallel.engine

# Copyright 2021 TUNiB inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import os
from typing import List, Union

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn

from parallelformers.parallel.replacing import TensorReplacer
from parallelformers.policies.base import Policy
from parallelformers.utils import rsetattr

[docs]class ParallelEngine(object): r""" Model parallelization processing engine Args: num_gpus (int): number of gpus backend (str): distributed backend (default=nccl) custom_policies (Union[Policy, List[Policy]]): user customized policy objects Notes: The parallelization process is performed through the following process. 1) slice parallelizable tensors and replace original tensors on CPU 2) upload parallelizable (replaced) tensors to multiple GPUs simultaneously 3) upload non-parallelizable tensors to multiple GPUs (e.g. embedding, lm_head, ...) """ def __init__( self, num_gpus: int, backend: str, custom_policies: Union[Policy, List[Policy]], ) -> None: self.num_gpus = num_gpus self.custom_policies = custom_policies self.mp_group = self.create_process_group(backend) # Create process group for model parallelization.
[docs] def parallelize(self, model: nn.Module, fp16: bool) -> nn.Module: """ Parallelize model to multiple GPUs Args: model (nn.Module): Huggingface pre-trained transformer model. fp16: (bool): whether use FP16 or not. Returns: nn.Module: parallelized model """ super().__init__() assert not next( model.parameters() ).is_cuda, "Model should be on CPU before parallelization. It is more memory-efficient." replacer = TensorReplacer( model=model, fp16=fp16, mp_group=self.mp_group, num_gpus=self.num_gpus, custom_policies=self.custom_policies, ) # Replace original layer to tensor sliced (megatron) layer. replacer.replace_modules() # Lazy GPU memory allocation (Only cpu tensors are loaded onto all gpus) # It's more memory-efficient than original implementation of DeepSpeed. for k, v in dict(model.state_dict()).items(): if not v.is_cuda: if torch.is_tensor(v): rsetattr( model, k + ".data",, ) return model
[docs] def create_process_group(self, backend: str): """ Create Pytorch distributed process group Args: backend (str): distributed backend Returns: ProcessGroupNCCL: process group for parallization """ if not dist.is_initialized(): dist.init_process_group(backend=backend) torch.cuda.set_device(int(os.getenv("LOCAL_RANK", "0"))) new_group = dist.new_group([i for i in range(self.num_gpus)]) return new_group